
To export a crate-global function, you should annotate it with the #[export] attribute macro.

fn round(value: f64) -> i64 {
    value.round() as i64

The parameter types and the return type must be types that are also exported to the script environment1.

By default, eligible types include:

  • All Rust primitive numeric types: isize, f32, u8, etc.
  • The boolean type: bool.
  • Rust string types: &str and String.
  • Ranges of unsigned integers: Range<usize>, RangeFrom<usize>, etc.
  • The unit type ().
  • Tuples of other eligible types: (bool, String).
  • Slices and fixed-size arrays of eligible types: &[u32], [u32; 6], etc.
  • A box of an eligible type: Box<(bool, String)>.
  • An option of an eligible type: Option<[u8; 12]>.
  • A copy-on-write object of an eligible type with an implicit 'static lifetime: Cow<str>.
  • A result of an eligible type: Result<usize, Err>, where the error variant must be a Rust standard error type that is Send + Sync + 'static.
  • Certain forms of callback functions.

To make additional types eligible, they should be exported either in this crate or in any dependency crate.

Function Names

All exported crate functions, regardless of their Rust visibility, will be available in scripts within a common flat namespace, under the script package of the crate, using their original Rust function names.

Therefore, their names must be unique within the crate.

To export two independent functions with the same name, you should rename them.

fn foo() {}

mod bar {
    #[export(name "foo_from_bar")]
    fn foo() {}

In the script environment, these functions will be exposed as follows:


// Or:;


You can export functions with references in the input positions if the lifetimes of the references are elided. In other words, you can specify references, but you cannot explicitly specify their lifetimes.

fn addup(result: &mut usize, arg_1: &usize, arg_2: usize) {
    *result += *arg_1 + arg_2;
let result = 10;
addup(result, 7, 2);

result == 19;


You can use callback functions as types for the input and output of exported functions, but only in certain forms.

fn foo(
    arg_1: usize,
    arg_2: Box<dyn Fn(usize, usize) -> RuntimeResult<String> + Send + Sync>,
) -> RuntimeResult<String> {
    let mut result = arg_2(arg_1, 10)?;
    result.push_str(". Some suffix".);
let result = foo(50, fn(x, y) ["Result is: ", x + y]);

result == "Result is: 60. Some suffix.";

The callback function must be a boxed Rust anonymous function (Box<dyn>) that accepts up to 7 arguments and returns a value wrapped in the RuntimeResult result object.

The function passed into the Rust code is likely to be a script-defined function that will be evaluated by the Ad Astra runtime, which can be error-prone.

The exported function implementation can pass the callback's errors back to the script environment. Therefore, in the example above, the function foo also returns a RuntimeResult.

To simplify Rust signatures, you can use one of the predefined type aliases for callbacks.

use ad_astra::runtime::ops::Fn2;

// The first two Fn2 generic parameters are the types of the inputs,
// and the last one is the result type.
fn foo(arg_1: usize, arg_2: Fn2<usize, usize, String>) -> RuntimeResult<String> {
    let mut result = arg_2(arg_1, 10)?;
    result.push_str(". Some suffix.");

Or types that can be cast to exported types. For example, the Option<f32> type is not an exported type, but the engine is capable of casting a Rust Option to the exported f32 type.