
By exporting a Rust struct type, you register this type in the script engine, allowing other exported items (e.g., Rust functions) to refer to it.

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
struct Vector {
    // Only the public fields will be exposed in scripts by default.
    pub x: f64,
    // Enforce private field exposure by annotating the field with `#[export]`.
    y: f64,
    // Read-only fields will be exposed as read-only in scripts.
    pub z: f64,

// Referring to Vector as an exported function parameter.
fn foo(v: &Vector) {}

The exported Rust structure must be of a type that is Send + Sync + 'static. Therefore, you cannot export a structure with non-static lifetime references.


By default, the macro exposes only the public fields to the scripting environment. However, you can enforce exposure by annotating the field with the #[export] or #[export(include)] attribute (both are synonyms when applied to struct fields).

The field type must be one of the following:

  • Any Rust numeric type: f32, usize, etc.
  • The bool type.
  • The unit () type.
  • A range (Range) type.
  • Any exported struct type.

Note that, in contrast to functions, you cannot expose a structure field with a type like Option<usize>.

To bypass this limitation, you can prevent public field exposure using the #[export(exclude)] annotation and expose the struct field value using corresponding getters and setters.

struct Foo {
    pub bar: Option<usize>,

impl Foo {
    pub fn get_bar(&self) -> &Option<usize> {
    pub fn set_bar(&mut self, bar: Option<usize>) { = bar;


To export associated implementation members of the exported structure, you should export the corresponding impl block of the structure.

impl Vector {
    #[export(name "vec")]
    pub fn new(x: f64, y: f64, z: f64) -> Self {
        Self { x, y, z }

    pub fn radius(&self) -> f64 {
        (self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y + self.z * self.z).sqrt()

    pub fn normalize(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
        let r = self.radius();

        self.x /= r;
        self.y /= r;
        self.z /= r;

let v = vec(1.0, 3.7, 9.0);


v.radius() == 1.0;

Similarly to struct fields, the exporting system exposes only public methods by default. Therefore, if an implementation has a non-public method that you want to expose, or a public method that you don't want to export, you should annotate them with the #[export(include)] and #[export(exclude)] attributes, respectively.

There are two types of associated functions:

  • Object methods: functions that have self, &self, or &mut self as a receiver.
  • Non-methods, such as the Vector::new constructor from the example above.

Non-methods will be exported on behalf of the script package, just like normal crate-global functions. Their names must be unique across the exported crate functions namespace.

Usually, you would assign more type-specific names to constructors, such as renaming the Vector::new function using the #[export(name = "vec")] attribute.

In contrast, type methods with a receiver belong to the namespace of the exported type. Their names must be unique only within the type's namespace. For example, Vector::radius does not need renaming even if you export another type with a method of the same name.

Finally, exported methods may return references with the same lifetime as the receiver's lifetime. The Vector::normalize is an example of such a method.