
The script code creates numeric objects using integral literals such as 1234567, and floating-point literals such as 123.456, 123.456e2, or 123e-3.

Numeric Operations

For numeric types, the following operators are available:

  • Arithmetic operations: a + b, a - b, a * b, a / b.

  • Bitwise operations (for integer numbers only): a & b, a | b, a ^ b, a << b, a >> b.

  • Remainder of division (for integer numbers only): a % b.

  • Assignment operator: a = b.

  • Composite assignment of any of the above: a += b, a &= b, etc.

  • Equality and ordering: a == b, a > b, a >= b, a < b, a <= b.

  • Numeric negation: -a.

Numbers Conversion

The underlying type of a numeric value is platform-specific and can be any Rust primitive numeric type such as usize, isize, f64, i32, etc.

The script engine selects the best type that suits the needs of the underlying value representation. In scripts, numerics are represented as the generalized number type, and the engine performs automatic number type conversions as needed.

In general, Ad Astra numbers behave similarly to those in many other scripting languages that do not distinguish between numeric types.

For this reason, script code can perform numeric operations on numbers of different types transparently most of the time.

10 + 4.5 == 14;
10.3 + 2 == 12.3;
[18, 3.6, -9]; // Creates an array of floats.

When applying numeric binary operators, the script attempts to cast the right-hand operand to the type of the left-hand operand.

For this reason, the script will not be able to perform this subtraction: 10 - 30, because the left-hand side is an unsigned integer. To make it signed, you can prefix the literal with the + sign: +10 - 30.

In general, to enforce casting to a desired type, you can start the numeric operation with a numeric literal of that type.

10 + 4.5 == 14;
0.0 + 10 + 4.5 == 14.5;
+10 - 30 == -20;

When the script code calls an exported Rust function with a parameter of a specific numeric type, the script engine performs numeric conversion automatically whenever possible.

// fn foo(usize);

foo(10.5); // Passes 10 by truncating the fractional part.
foo(-20); // Leads to a runtime error because -20 cannot be converted to usize.