The export macro recognizes the derives of standard Rust traits such as Clone
, Debug
, etc.
By exporting these trait implementations, you enable certain features that the script user can utilize with the type instances.
If the exported structure has a #[derive(...)]
attribute, this attribute must
follow the #[export]
// These derives will be recognized by the export macro.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub struct Vector {
pub x: f64,
pub y: f64,
Alternatively, you can export these traits manually by exporting the corresponding implementations.
impl Display for Vector {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
f.write_fmt(format_args!("vec({}, {})", self.x, self.y))
Supported Traits
In addition to standard derivable traits, the export system supports the majority of traits from the std::ops module and some other standard Rust traits.
Rust Trait | Script Operators |
Clone and/or Copy | Copying: *foo |
Debug and/or Display | Stringification: ["Foo is ", foo] |
PartialEq and/or Eq | Equality: a == b and a != b |
PartialOrd and/or Ord | Comparison: a >= b , a < b , etc. |
Hash | Used implicitly |
Default | Used implicitly |
Add / AddAssign | Addition: a + b / a += b |
Sub / SubAssign | Subtraction: a - b / a -= b |
Mul / MulAssign | Multiplication: a * b / a *= b |
Div / DivAssign | Division: a / b / a /= b |
Not | Logical negation: !a |
Neg | Numeric negation: -a |
BitAnd / BitAndAssign | Bitwise conjunction: a & b / a &= b |
BitOr / BitOrAssign | Bitwise disjunction: a | b / a |= b |
BitXor / BitXorAssign | Bitwise exclusive disjunction: a ^ b / a ^= b |
Shl / ShlAssign | Bitwise left shift: a << b / a <<= b |
Shr / ShrAssign | Bitwise right shift: a >> b / a >>= b |
Rem / RemAssign | Remainder of division: a % b / a %= b |
Note that the assignment script operator (a = b
) is implicitly implemented for
exported Rust structures. For this reason, exporting just the Add
implementation is enough to enable the a += b
script operator.
// Implements + operator between two vectors.
impl Add for Vector {
type Output = Self;
fn add(mut self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
self.x += rhs.x;
self.y += rhs.y;
let v = vec(0.0, 1.0) + vec(1.0, 0.5);
// In this case, this is a syntax sugar for using `v + vec(-5.0, 0.0)`,
// where the result is then assigned to the left-hand side.
v += vec(-5.0, 0.0);
v == vec(-4.0, 1.5);