Control Flow

The script code is the body of an implicit function with zero parameters, which serves as the entry point of the script.

The body of a function (including the entry-point code) consists of statements that are executed sequentially, except for control flow statements such as loops and conditionals.

// Injects additional APIs from the sub-package "algebra"
// into the current namespace.
use algebra;

let x = 10; // Variable declaration.

foo(x + 20); // Expression statement.

// Simple conditional statement.
if x == 10 {

// Complex conditional statement.
match x {
    10 => {},
    20 => {},
    else => {},

// Infinite loop statement.
loop {
    x += 1;
    if x > 10 {
        break; // Breaks the loop.

// For loop that iterates through the numeric range from 10 to 19 inclusive.
for i in 10..20 {

// Nested statement block.
    let inner_var;

// Returning from a function (from the script's main function in this case).
return "end";